Sunday, May 28, 2006

Meeting in Hungary 6th - 10th of December 2006

Thursday 7.12.
Opening of the project meeting
Who is who?

1) short presentation of all delegations and their schools (max: 3 transparencies for each school)
2) Information about the Secondary School of Art, Dance and Music

Tour of the school building (?)
Coffee-break /Installation of the first 4 info-points
Food-market (1)
(may be after lunch):
first 4 schools presenting their results to the second 4 schools turning from info-point to info-point
Lunch / Installation of 4 info-points (one for each school)
Food-market (2)
second 4 schools presenting their results to the first 4 schools turning from info-point to info-point

Friday 8.12.
1) workshops with dossiers of food-market
presentation of the results of the work-shops
2) feed-back-cafés
articles for the web-log

1) How to realize our European-Cook-Book (contents/structure
lay-out, illustrations, printing)
2) planing of the meeting in Hanau
preparation of the application for the last two periods


The project „Young Europeans - Critical Consumers“ will deal with consumer habits of young people. Based on their experiences in everyday life the adolescents should become aware of the influences which shape them.By comparing similarities and differences with their European partners they should learn to understand each other better and to understand the influence of consumer habits and commercialised culture on their every day life, their opinions and consciousness.The students should also become more conscious of the impact of their consumer habits on environment and economy. In this context they should inform themselves about conditions of work and production as well as trade relationships between European countries - especially those of the project-partners - and world trade relationships.In order to find their individual and European identity by looking at their consumer habits they should also inform each other about alternatives of consumption (ecological production, products of fair trade …) and national and European laws to protect consumers.

Hungary and Poland also accepted!!

Dear Comenius-friends,
It is a great pleasure for me to announce you that the project has been accepted in 7 countries. So I am very happy to welcome our new partners from Denmark and Poland, - I am very sorry for Sweden, but I am sure it will work for the second project-period.
Remember that the first meeting will not be in Reggio but in Nyíregyháza/Hungary as we agreed in Nîmes, and I hope that the Swedish partners can manage to come to the meeting as well.
Yours Jutta

Good news from Italy

Dear Comenius friends,
I'm happy to tell you that the Italian Comenius project has been accepted by the National Board. We'll work and share European experience all together again.
Happy summer holidays.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

France accepted by National Board!

Dear friends,
I'm very happy to tell you that French National Board has accepted our school for the new project!
Best regards to you from Monique, Sylvie, Colette, Jean-Luc, Sandy, Alain and Thierry (coordinator of France) .

News from Italy

I hope you are all well.
The Italian Agency accepted our project "with reserve" this means that they don't know if the have the money to finance it.The headmaster and I are going to meet next Monday to ask the national board for more detailed information.The problem is that other two Comenius projects have been peresented from our school and they are "prioritari".
I hope that we'll be accepted in the end.
Waiting for good news
Best Wishes

News from Hungary

Congratulations to everybody who has been accepted for the new project. Some information about ours. We are still waiting for the result. In Hungary there are two stages to accept a project: the first is the form, the second is the content. We are accepted on the first stage, but the National Board hasn't decided yet considering the content of our new project. We are patient, perhaps the long time means success. Good work.
Bye! Edina

Sad news from Sweden

Mail from Claudia:
(...) As for Sweden, we have not been so lucky. (...)
Of course we were very disappointed when we received the message last week. I have been talking to our headmaster, to the Comenius-group at Frans Schartaus gymnasium and, last not least, to the Swedish National Board. Everybody told me not to give up. So we have decided to follow the project as closely as possible and try to find other ways of financing our participation. Next year we are going to apply once more for the membership (...)

Denmark accepted by National Board

Congratulations to Georg and Pia and welcome to the club!

Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Germany accepted by the National Board

Jutta, coordinator of the project, opening the meeting in Nîmes.

Spain accepted by the National Board

Pilar, coordinator of IES Cid Campeador, with two of her pupils presenting project-results at the meeting in Nîmes